Top A5 July 12


Looking for Jimmy Riddle.

“Does anybody know where J.R. Bell is, aka Jimmy Riddle? Jimmy was on Foundation North from 1963 to 1967. He and I were friends and he was one of those friends who liked to stretch the rules. We both rode to Longtown on our bikes one Sunday to do something different and were caned for our pains because we said we were going to Kendal! Luckily his parents were in and gave us a lift back to school as I was very tired by the time we reached his parents’ place outside Longtown. I remember my leg muscles feeling terrible and having a very sore backside. The journey from Carlisle to Longtown was pure pain.

Anyway, Jimmy was asked to leave St Bees, or his parents withdrew him, after a scandal over borrowing a car with three others (pupils or cars? Ed.). I kept in touch with him until I moved to Australia in 1972.

At the 1960s reunion in 1997 I enquired about his whereabouts and Findlay (J. Findlay SH 65-69) informed me that he had appeared before him in his capacity of magistrate for speeding on the M5 in his Roller, which fits his style.

If anybody has a clue about Jimmy’s whereabouts please drop me a line at:
33 Rootes Road, Lesmurdie, WA 6076 or email or phone +61 8 9291 3296.

I have lived in Western Australia and Northern Territory since 1972 and am visiting the UK in August/September this year and am planning to attend the reunion dinner on 14th September. I am also hoping to catch up with Jimmy Riddle.”

Andrew Mitchell (FS 63-68).



The St. Beghian Society,    St. Bees School,    St. Bees,    Cumbria,    CA27 0DS.
         Tel: (01946) 828093